Wednesday 11 July 2012

My personal experience...

I have to admit that i never used the tools that i learnt for the past 3 days during the Web 2.0 training workshop. To my personal experience as a Web 2.0 user, i think it's more easier for me to share my opinions with others using the internet. Moreover, i believe that Web 2.0 is an easy and a good way of communication with people all over the world.We can upload any image we want and also we can upload any video we want that we see it suitable for the subject we want to talk about. In addition to that, Web 2.0 allows us to share our ideas with others and lets us communicate and send emails like  igoogle. And it allows me to see people's opinion about certain topics that i am interested in. It made my life easier because i can b updated with the latest news i want from any place... But after these few days of training I can say that I can use the tools efficiently..
A big thank you to the trainers and CTA for this golden opportunity...

Participants of CTA Web 2.0 training workshop

1 comment:

  1. How about a weekly blog of the TC lab - as a way of people appreciating the work that goes on in the lab, the processes, the issues and challenges you have to face? Photos of new varieties, or plants being delivered or even plants that have been grown by the community.
    A google map of locations where TC banana plants are destined for as they are being delivered? Why not?
